Should I Get Battery Storage for My Solar Energy System?


Ideally, you should! Residential solar energy systems coupled with battery storage, usually termed solar-plus-storage systems, provide power no matter the weather or the time of the day. You don’t have to rely on backup power from the grid. It is because solar panel battery storage stores the excess energy that the solar panels produce.

Now, is solar panel battery storage mandatory? No, it isn’t. But considering California’s notoriety for the frequent and increasing number of blackouts lately, you may consider it imperative. Let’s look at some reasons that make battery storage advantageous

Continuous Power Supply

In the US, electricity rates vary based on the time of use. Evening hours are among the most expensive, given the high demand for electricity during that time. 

Without battery storage, you will have to switch to regular electricity during the evening, as your solar panels cannot generate electricity after sunset. As a result, you pay almost as much as you did earlier when you used to use regular electricity throughout!

But a solar panel battery installation allows you to use the power your solar panels generate during the day once the sun has set. So, in the long run, you save money and significantly reduce your reliance on regular electricity.

Tracking Transparency and Accuracy

Now, what does this mean? Solar panel battery storage enables you to efficiently and accurately track the energy your system produces via its monitoring functionalities. Thus, you can track and monitor how much energy you produce and compute the savings, expenses, and, consequently, the returns on your solar energy investments.

Protection Against Electricity Rate Hikes

Electricity rates will only keep increasing by the year. Given the enormous need for electricity, there’s no chance they’ll reduce. So, whenever your utility increases the electricity rates, a solar panel battery can help protect you against the hike. How?

Battery storage allows you to use the low-cost energy already produced and stored. Thus, you ensure your energy rates remain low, and your monthly expenses remain unaffected. But there’s more to the benefit. You may even earn some extra money by selling the stored energy at the current rates!

Stay Lit at Almost All Times

In many places, jurisdictions require homes to stay connected with the utility, whether they use the utility electricity or not. But a solar panel battery storage system allows you to reduce your dependence on the grid. In other words, you don’t have to depend on your utility for electricity most of the time throughout the year.

Besides, you can keep some energy in reserve during power cuts and stay lit in such situations. However, the storage capacity depends on the battery’s size and how accurately you calculate the battery size your power needs. Of course, partnering with a battery installation expert can help. They’ll help you with everything from choosing the right battery size capacity to services like installation and maintenance.

Nabu Energy is a trustworthy name in this regard. It is a credible solar power solutions company in the Bay Area. Nabu provides solar panel and solar battery storage solutions. The company’s customized solutions, in-house team of experts, energy analytics, uncompromised quality, and record installation time make it one of the best in the market. Visit to learn more about the company.


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